Parents of 1776
Parents of 1776 Organization is a 501(c3) registered charitable nonprofit organization dedicated to funding the educational activities of San Ramon BSA Troop 1776 and San Ramon Sea Scout Ship 1776.
BSA Troop 1776, founded in 2000, offers young men aged 10-17 a traditional Scouting program emphasizing education, leadership, community service and character development with the goal of helping Scouts reach the rank of Eagle Scout.
Sea Scout Ship 1776, founded in 2007, offers young men and women aged 13 thru 20 a nautical-based outdoor experience emphasizing practical hands-on STEM education, environmental conservation, leadership, career exploration and character development with the goal of helping members achieve the Sea Scout rank of Quartermaster.
Parents of 1776 is a community organization of parents and volunteers working together to help fund the operations of these scout groups. Contact us at [email protected]